Wednesday 27 July 2016

Can't find any paper.

Well I can't find any paper and I don't have Microsoft office on my new laptop yet, so I'll write this down here.

My made up recipe for a new fruit wine.

Green apple and pea pod wine.

4 lbs of green apples
3 lbs of pea pods
3 lbs sugar
2 lemons
gallon of water
wine yeast.

Now this is just something I'm trying out. I couldn't find any recipes for apple and pea pod so it might be nasty, but I will see.
You'll never know, unless you try, so I'll try.

I'll be washing the pods, boiling them in water until they're tender, straining, adding the sugar and the lemon peel, and once cool adding the yeast.

I'll be mashing up the apples and peeled lemons in my trusty juicer and adding all of the juice before I add the wine yeast. I'll leave everything for 24 hours to infuse with the lemon peel before straining everything and pouring it into a clean demi john, I'll add more water if needed to fill to the top of the container.

I'll leave everything for 2-3 months or until the fermentation has stopped before moving to a clean demi john for a further 3 months before sampling. Waiting half a year to find out if it was a waste of time or not.

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