Sunday 3 July 2016

A bit of last minute gardening before dark and my boyfriend does me a solid.

This rose is the best 39 pence I ever spent. Its beautiful! 

This one I think cost me about £1.99. Still very cheap but its looking a bit rain damaged. 

This one has had its day

But this one looks promising. 

The evening primrose plants continue to flower.

I did a little weeding against the canes to try and rescue my nasturtiums and sweet peas.

I did find them but they're looking a little bit pale and choked. 

Hopefully they'll perk up and I'll try to keep on top of the weeding better. 

I genuinely have no clue how this got here. All of the chickens stay in their runs. 

My boyfriend built me my very own pallet compost bay. It'll be much easier to get to and the chickens will have more run space because they'll get the old compost area. 

I think its beautiful. 

It does make me feel a bit like I'm penning sheep though. :D

He also lashed the chicken run fencing together to make it more stable. And less ugly. 

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