Monday 1 August 2016


My first courgette harvest. I'm quite proud of them really.

The eggloo the day before the chickens are due to turn up. We managed to get it built properly with a lot of help from the OHs brother, and, I have to say, very little from me.

I've been busy doing other things. I dug over and weeded the first half of the boarder, ready for my autumn sown seeds to be delivered. 

I didn't dig out my newly transplanted Iris plant.

And I didn't dig out my geranium pretense. I'll give the weeds I couldn't dig out a hand weeding, and I'll rake it over again to try and make it a finer tilth. 

My winter sweet was given a wide birth as I really don't want to hurt it, and it's meant to be sensitive. 

My poor impoverished soil. :( I'll be using all of last years compost on this area when autumn arrives.  

I've also made a start on clearing out my greenhouse of all weeds and unneeded stuff. I'll post about it once I'm done.

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