Monday 15 August 2016

Blugh again.

I have the flu AGAIN! Its the thing with attempting to be self sufficient and having no help. You can't just stop for a day or two. The chickens still need feeding, cleaning, watering etc. Having a dog like Trouble means she NEEDS to be walked. I just managed to drag myself out with them for 45 minutes. I'll have to try to go out again with them later. I watered the greenhouse two days ago and it's not been hot, so its not desperate but does really need doing again.
I had the brain deadness that usually comes with the flu, and left my globe artichoke seedling in his little pot up at the allotment all alone, three days ago. I meant to plant it but got carried away with the weeding, raised bed filling etc, I hope the little guy's still alive by the time I finally get back up there.

I really need to do more weeding at the allotment, I really need to add compost to it too. The soil is SO poor! I didn't have any luck growing much of anything. except weeds. Its true that I didn't manage to spend much time up there at all which sucks but I'm going to make a huge effort to make things better to make getting up there easier from now on.

I'll not be getting much done today though, I'm wrapped in a duvet on the sofa with my tissue walrus, surrounded by sleeping pets.

I have some time off in September so maybe I'll finally manage to get the polytunnel up to the allotment.

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