Saturday 20 August 2016

Bought some echinacea tablets!

I got paid yesterday, so last night after I finished work at nine-o-clock I went out and bought echinacea tablets. I just didn't want to sacrifice my two baby echinacea plants in the garden. They are too young to have me keep removing all of the leaves.  I took a tablet last night and I woke up with just a little snuffle and cough. I really love echinacea.

I woke up to the cat jumping onto the bed and she was soaking wet. It was an interesting way to be woken up, its raining quite heavily outside meaning the dogs and cat have their rain faces on.

I have work again today two until nine. I am not a night person and I truly, truly hate having to be at work that late at night. I normally like to be asleep by eight. I am going to be off work from Sunday until Wednesday though so I'll hopefully be able to get some of my life back, and keep desperately applying for better jobs. Its been eight years that I've been trying to get out of retail now and I so passionately hate it, that it causes me physical pain.

I'm hopefully going to get lots done at the allotment while I'm off, hopefully I'll get a bit more compost and cardboard onto the raised beds. I'm forever thinking of ways to improve the soil without spending a fortune. I am really starting to think about what to grow for next year. How to get a greenhouse or my poly tunnel up there as I'm determined to get more tomatoes. I can only get cherry toms to ripen in time in my garden so I need to grow the big fellows at the allotment. I might get a better germination rate of squash at the allotment too. I only had one winter squash germinate this summer and he's really not very big.

So, I'll be planning and biding my time, waiting for the weather to improve... In more ways than one.

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