Monday 29 August 2016

I've been looking into the use of nettle seeds.

From what I've read, nettle seeds are incredibly good for you and can give you a bit of a natural high. Which I could do with.

I went out with Trouble for over two hours and filled up a bag for life with nettle heads (and only got stung once :D), that were covered with seeds. I also found one plum, one apple and a handful of blackberries. Not the most amazing haul ever, especially as I went out for elderberry's, but its certainly not bad.
I have to dry the nettle seeds first. It's not dangerous or anything, drying it just reducing the 'hit' it gives you which can be a bit extreme if you haven't had it before. Or so I've read.

This is how much I got.

Not many blackberries and I wasn't kidding about only getting one plum. :p

You can see how the seeds hang from the plants. Try to imagine how time consuming removing the seeds will be...

And there we go. Yes, it was as time consuming as you imagined. I still need to put them through a large holed sieve to remove the seeds from the small stems once they've dried. I also need to find a place to put these so that they can dry out of the way from the animals and not on the cooker. 

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