Well, we all know I have the flu because I've been complaining about it, but now (all the men are gonna run away in horror) I'm also getting rather nasty period pains too. Yey! :P
But despite all of this I managed to walk the dogs, change all of the snakes waters, clean out Brian who is getting so much more friendly now. He sat wrapped around my wrist quite happily as I cleaned out his box. I changed all of the chickens waters, adding garlic and apple cider vinegar to the clean water which the visiting chickens picked out of the water and ran away with. D: Stupid chickens.
The chickens have had some chopped up tomatoes this morning too but as I'm worming them I shouldn't be giving them any treats.
I've done two washes and put them on the line, watered the potted stuff. flea'd Trouble and Esme. Went to do Niche and found I needed to buy some more for her. She's 21 kilos so I'm uncomfortable using the 20 - 40 kilo flea stuff that Trouble has. I'd rather use the up to 20 kilo, especially now that she's getting older and weaker. Call me paranoid if you must.
I've also planted some plum pips in largish pots and put them on the windowsill. Hopefully I'll get some nice little trees that I can keep in very large pots until we get a bigger garden.
I'm now propped up on my pillow mountain, wrapped up in my duvet trying not to move so that the pain doesn't get too bad.
I've since done a third washing load which is on the line, and taken Trouble out blackberry picking. As it was a dog walk as well, we went around three miles picking blackberries as we went. I met a VERY rude woman, which isn't the best when I barely see anyone during the day. But we do now have around 1.5 to 2 pounds of blackberries to go towards wine-making. I will have to go out again soon to get some more.
Trouble over heated despite us being under the trees for a lot of the time so I had to wrap her with a wet towel when we got home. (I've never seen her look so happy) I've done a bit of weeding and now I'm back under my duvet once again.