Friday 1 April 2016

April first and past 12, so I should be safe now.

I really don't like April fools day. I know that makes me a misery. I just don't like the idea that I have to be on my guard against people playing tricks on me.

I've sown my courgettes "gold rush" today and some patty pan. Its always an exciting time for me as it means it won't be long until we can start sowing our pumpkins and beans! :)

I've got something in a pot on my windowsill that has germinated, but it seems I didn't label it, and I've now forgotten what it is. (happens every year) I'm hoping it will be obvious when I see a true leaf. It must be obvious or I would have labelled it, right?...
It must be something exciting though or I wouldn't have used up valuable windowsill space on it. We shall see.

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