Saturday, 21 February 2015

What lies beneath.

Ok so the fork, wood next to the fork and chicken drinker were already against the wall, but the rest of the stuff is what we found under the soil at the bottom of the garden. And we've already been to the tip about ten times. I think this project is going to take a little longer than first anticipated. The stone pillars were a shock I can tell you.
Happily its going to be another four months before the new chicks can go out, but... We have been offered some four week old chicks as well. Which would mean the new run would need to be done in nine weeks at the latest, hopefully much sooner. Plus we need to find places for two four week old chicks and however many (if any) newly hatched chicks, to live in our small house... Humm, I better
get my thinking cap on.

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