Tuesday 8 March 2016

Yesterday was a nice day.

I put the new yellow climbing rose in a big, big plant pot which should do well against the hedge. Should look amazing growing up the hedge, if it grows.
I also potted up my yellow patio rose in the same size pot which will also hopefully do well this year.

I mowed the lawn for the first time this year, can't seem to get it to stay even but I guess the ground was just still a bit wet. My first daffodil opened up, I'd take a photo but my camera is at my dads. :/

In the greenhouse the Japanese anemone seeds have germinated, as have the Brussels sprout seeds and the cut and come again lettuce.

I just threw some aquilegia seeds, nigella seeds, pot marigold seed and some snap dragon seeds directly onto the soil in the garden in the hope that some of them grow. I've covered some of the seeds with shavings and some without.  
I want to find and sow my fried egg plant seeds and sow them today too but I have an awful lot of seeds to sift through.

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