Friday 18 March 2016

Egg cups, seed and seedling madness.

I couldn't resist them! They're SOOO cute! Bit tiny for my giant eggs though. 

I've officially run out of space on my potting bench. I will have to get one of my massive dad made benches back.

I've gone a bit mad and I've just sown some dwarf sunflowers, dwarf rudbeckia, regular rudbeckia, double flowered dahlia, leeks (giant square pot nearest camera in first pic) Geranium pratense, and a type of ground cover clematis.

This is the cut and come again salad leaf. I'll put some in-between the peas rows.

Little spider. sorry its blurred. 


red sprouts. 

Thyme. Squint and you'll see it. 

Japanese anemone, not been doing much in the cold.

Purple sprouting broccoli. 


Mustard. :) 

Gardeners delight tomatoes. I've also had my sweet baby and sweet aperitif tomatoes germinate but it wouldn't let me upload the picture. 15 little tomato seedlings altogether.

Monkey flower, mimulus. Two tiny dots of green.

Pepino, one tiny green speck. 

Two Moringa about two weeks apart.

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