Friday 18 September 2015

A bit of progress.

Well. The last of my potatoes are up, it was actually less then the first lot but I'm pretty pleased with the overall amount. Especially as the haulms died down so early.
The broad beans Aquadulce Claudia have gone into the potato bed now. I must buy more, I've run out now.
The spiders this year are nuts, they are everywhere! I watched the chickens eat one this morning that had attached itself to their water bucket in the two minutes I'd been filling it. I also watched the Puppy walk straight into a massive web, with the massive spider still attached. it ended up on her face. She ended up punching herself in the face.

Talking of spiders.

I dropped my mobile phone down behind the sofa last night and when I was trying to retrieve it, armed with an old axe handle, I moved the sofa back after much effort and out jumped a spider that was as big or bigger than my palm! I almost soiled myself I can tell you. And no I didn't kill it. I don't kill spiders. Its still out there somewhere... Waiting.  

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