Saturday, 25 April 2015

The garden so far.

For such a small garden, it has taken a lot of work to get it to the state that it is in today.
 And I wouldn't have gotten this far without a lot of help from my dad and my boyfriend. Thanks guys.

I still need to seriously improve the fertility and water retention of the soil, sow more grass seed, fill up the last raised bed, dig over/weed the border. Attach weed suppressant between the raised beds and cover with gravel.
After that and a bit of weeding I can start planting out, finish sowing, build my bean wigwams and maybe, Just maybe, I can start harvesting some food. We can only hope. :)


laoi gaul~williams said...

its looking good! they take so much time to get how we like them. it has taken us 6 years to get our back garden to how it is now

Jopanofmanypets said...

They really do don't they! I think the chickens slowed me down some, they do like to dig everything up. :) Hopefully I'll get an impressive amount of fruit and veg from it all.