I managed to get up to the allotment with the dogs after work this morning. Its really, really muddy and I sank a good few times. I worked, digging out the worst of the weeds, for a good hour and a half before the dogs got too bored.
I still have a lot of weeding to do, digging to do and I want to add compost to the very furthest bed before I build a bean row and set some peas with sticks and string to hold them up.
I want to finish digging the empty bed closest to the camera, cover it with cardboard and compost and eventually fill it with Lavender.
After that I want to add more compost to the third bed almost to the back of the photo, (the one with sand on top) before squash planting time. Then I want to remove the netted bed furthest from the camera and fill that bed with manure ready for next years squash.
Ok so I'll try to explain what is happening with the beds this year (subject to change) The first bed which is the partially weeded bed closest to the camera, will be the lavender bed.
The second bed (next to the first) is strawberries.
The third bed (about a foot left from bed two) will be flowers.
the forth bed (below bed two) will be potatoes.
bed five (left of bed four) Jerusalem artichokes, globe artichokes, rhubarb and mint (which is in the ground! Not planted by me)
Bed six (Right of the bottom of bed five) Will be a three sisters bed. Squash, corn and beans
Bed seven (right of bed six) will be empty but covered with manure
Bed eight (below bed seven and six) will be legumes. A bean row, pea row and dwarf french beans.
I am feeling much happier now that I have a plan of action. :)