So they say that the end of the world clock has moved 30 seconds closer to 'midnight' or to the end of the world. In all honesty I'd never heard about this end of the world clock until yesterday and I wish that I'd still never heard of it. I hate stuff like that. It plays on my mind and really upsets me. :/ Yes I know it's just guesswork, but still...
So this has obviously made me even more impatient to get the gardening year started, as, if the shit does hit the fan, it would be best to have a large collection of food growing.
I've added quite a bit of compost to the allotment now. I've got four of the beds ready to plant up, five is you count the strawberry bed. Well, I will after maybe a couple more big bags of compost. Its up to the weather now.
I know my allotment improvements are happening slowly. Its very hard for me to get compost to the allotment when I can't drive and I'm at work a lot of the time that my boyfriend is off work. It will happen though. Hopefully due to all of the soil improvements, this year my allotment will be very fruitful.
I intended to plant some late garlic into the home garden this morning. Just around a dozen or so little bulbs as I've still got so many from last year. I intended to that is, until I went out to let the chickens out and I noticed that everything is very heavily frosted over and the soil is as hard as rock. I'll have to wait until the weather has warmed up.