Friday 24 June 2016

I've done the first lot of decent gardening in three weeks.

I can't mow the bit at the side yet because that bit of lawn is full of primulas but hopefully by July 1st I'll be able to mow them all down.

Its a pretty decent little nature area to be honest. Lots of bees, moths and beetles. 

The grass got torn up because it was too long to be mown really, and still wet from the constant rain. Now that it's short again it has dried very fast. 

I strimmed the edges and I've done more weeding in the raised beds.

I've weeded the garlic, peas/lettuce and the parsnip bed now. Just three more left to do and I'll sow some carrots and beetroot in the other two empty beds. I would like to point out that those beds weren't meant to be empty. I'd sown beetroot and carrots in them earlier but they either didn't germinate, the slugs had them or the cat constantly using them as a toilet, killed them. Gardening can sometimes be very frustrating. 

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