Tuesday, 18 August 2015

gardening update.

Well, I can't truthfully say that the veg growing has gone well this year. I don't think the weather has been ideal, I am very unhappy with how shady my garden has turned out to be. I've not had time to weed/water/feed like I would have liked, what with having a new puppy, two jobs, and my first house to try and keep clean (this is the one that's killing me - I hate, hate, hate cleaning, and its always a mess) I don't have a social life so no-one can blame that. The puppy and cat shitting all over it hasn't helped and has certainly made me unwilling to eat anything.

Things I want to do to improve things for next year. 

  • I want to mulch the soil with the lovely chicken poop and greens compost. I don't think the soil has ever been fed. I have a horrible feeling that the old man that owned the house before, only used chemicals to keep things going. D:

  • I want to finally get the paths between the raised beds covered with weed suppressant. I'm thinking of covering the left side of the garden with grass to give the dogs more pooping space. The puppy seems to poo 5 times a day and my garden seems to be always full of poo even though she does 2 poops on her walks. (I know, sorry. I'm talking about poo) and I poo pick weekly.

  • I need to trim the hedge that runs the length of my garden, which actually belongs to my next door neighbour. I personally would like to burn it, I hate hedges.

  • I would like to fence off my beds to keep shit faced puppy off of them. Can you tell she's driving me insane. 

  • And I would like to grow more flowers next year. I've felt no joy for my garden this year. I'm hoping things will be better in the next growing season as the puppy should be a little bit better behaved. So I want the garden to be beautiful as well as productive.    

  • I will also see if the neighbours on the other side will chop down that 60ft bloody tree sitting smack bang in the middle of their yard, that shades all of my garden. 
The peas and potatoes have done pretty darn well this year. Not one lot of pea moth larvae. The broad beans did very well. The runner beans, although very late to start, are looking good. And the achocha is massive and starting to produce little achochas that I might actually be able to try before the frosts arrive. Hopefully I can have one to try and one to ripen for more seeds. The nasturtiums are lovely and trailing everywhere and my pumpkins are looking good. So its not all a total failure.   

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