Friday, 7 August 2015


Ok. I know I'm a bit gloomy and depressing. Try living inside my head. But I really think its time that the house prices situation was addressed.

I think that I can safely say that the UK has one of, or even, the highest house prices in the world.
To add insult to injury though, the UK houses are tiny, ugly, grubby buildings with tiny parcels of land attached called gardens. Houses that are built cheek by jowl, with no privacy and  which are made with inferior building materials. And we're paying extortionate prices for them.
The building materials are not what are making the house prices so unreasonable, its the price of land. I really think that land prices should go down, and a lot, but the regulations for house building should be stricter with the main focus being on keeping environmental damage to a minimum. I think they should increase the size of the average back garden and increase the privacy of the individual home owner.

I am aware that we are a very small country with a very large population, which is why the price of land is very high. Perhaps if an effort to reduce our overall population were made it would make living here a little bit more comfortable.

A bit extreme I know but I think we would even benefit from a one child policy like the one in china, maybe if we encouraged people to move to the larger land masses, like America and places in Europe it would reduce the strain to the UK.
 I know this is controversial but we need to reduce the amount of immigrants we allow into the country. I am aware that there are a lot of people out there that need help, but we can't afford to help everyone and the ship of England, Scotland and Wales is going to capsize if we don't stop taking on cargo.

I didn't mean for this post to be so political, it kinda ran away from me a little bit. Its just so hard to take when two people. One a scientist working full time, and the other working 25 hours a week in any job that will have her, are struggling so very. very much to afford a tiny two bedroom ex-council house in a town that no ones even heard of.

How would a person living on their own survive? People in retail and other minimum wage jobs can't afford to buy their own house and have to rent for their entire lives. How is this fair? No wonder we have such a problem with people on the dole, with people feeling like things are hopeless and what's the point of even trying. Something has to change in this country, and before its too late.

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