Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Today was glorious

I went to the allotment again this evening. I’m slowly chipping away at it. I strimmed my main paths and some of the more nettle filled paths of my neighbours plot so she isn’t stung.

 I started to build one of the two low tunnels I intend to make but had to stop when my electric screwdriver ran out of power.

 I did some more weeding and planted half a bed with onions both planted separately and in clumps. I look forward to seeing which do the best.

I also added some onion clumps to gaps in the garlic bed.

I also found time to just sit and listen to the birds and to finalise this years planting plan. I’m doing things slightly different from previous years as I am attempting to plant more things together and more closely spaced. I also hope to fit in more flowers and have more fun with it all.

I hope you all enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.

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