Tuesday, 17 April 2018

I've not posted in a while.

I got up early today. I walked the dogs at 5:45 am until 7 am. Then I went to the allotment and I built a cold frame which I've used to cover part of the old strawberry bed that I started to dig up this morning. So far I've removed about half of the strawberries. 

Once I've dried out the soil I will be adding two different kinds of broad beans and maybe some amaranth to the edges of the bed. 

I also trimmed the lavender. You can see that I've planted garlic around the small lavenders. I'm trying to grow things together. 
I dug out the few weeds left in the onion and leek bed but sadly the photo I took didn't save to my phone so I can't show you.

At least things are slowly getting sorted now. I just hope that we get some decent weather soon.

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