Well, I picked the home garden squashes 21st October 2017. I can't say that they amounted to much of anything thanks to the shade cast by next doors tree. He has promised to cut the tree back quite a bit over the winter but I've mostly lost interest. We're hoping to move house next year.
If I remember correctly I have two different types of squash in the picture and obviously some that aren't even old enough to be considered squash, but I'll cook with them anyway. I think they've done better than the allotment squash though as we barely even got leaves with those.
I did however get to buy something I've wanted to try for absolutely ages. Red bean Mochi. :) I bought it from an Asian supermarket near Nottingham along with some other stuff. (noodles, miso, radish etc)
Update: I have tried the mochi and I liked it. It's got a very subtle taste the red bean paste is mildly sweet and once you get over the texture (which is a little odd) It's nice. 8/10 :)