Saturday 1 October 2016

harvesting and pizza!

This is about 90 % of my tomatoes. I would have picked them all but I saw a spider that looked something like a false widow so I left them for another day. They are SOOO tiny.

I got beans, patty pan and courgettes :)

I roasted all of my tomatoes with my homegrown garlic and homegrown thyme. :)

I spent over an hour peeling all of the tiny tomatoes, blitzed it up and made pizza sauce for my homemade pizza bases. This is my friends pizza right here. Impressive isn't it? :D

This one is mine. Lots of courgette, patty pan, sausage, pepperoni, salami, sweetcorn and loads of cheese. It was so good! Fed me for two days. My friend came over to help me plan building a cob shed. Unfortunately we just got drunk and ate pizza so she'll have to come over again so that we can try again. :)

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