Monday 1 February 2016


I'm pretty excited as I just put an order in to Jungle seeds for some tropical, yet cold weather tolerant plants. I might just be being optimistic but I feel like this summer is going to be quite warm. Here's hoping! I actually went onto Jungle seeds looking for Mashua seeds, but I couldn't find any.
I did however find plenty of other things. I bought:
Actinidia arguta "Issai" Which is a smooth skinned, tolerant to -25 degrees centigrade, mini kiwi.  
Amaranthus Dubius. Which is an edible green, popular in the Caribbean... Yeah not sure how well that will grow in England.
Cucumber Poona Kheera, which is a small Indian cucumber with a bitter brown skin.
Solanum muricatum, or melon pear. I've grown them before and they do take a hot summer to ripen properly. If they do manage to ripen though, they are beautiful.
Moringa oleifera, A fast growing tree with leaves that have much more vitamin c than an orange. Not very nice tasting by the sounds of things but probably ok to mix in with other things. They will probably only survive until the first frost in England. 
This is the thing I am the most excited about. Asimina triloba or the paw paw (not the same as a papaya) They are similar looking to a mango but with lots of little black seeds instead of the one huge mango seed. They make very sweet tasting fruits, tasting like custard. (apparently) They can take up to -15 degrees centigrade and like the shade. It probably means tropical shade but I'll give them a go. 
So yeah. Very exciting! :D 

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