Well, it's 2019 and I've been through the wringer for the last six months or so. I've been struggling with working far from home, with a dark and long commute by bus and foot through very rough areas that added too much time to my time away from home and just left me exhausted.
I've now left that job and I'm waiting to start a new job with less hours and that is closer to home, I'm making the most of this time with redecorating the house and garden and really enjoying my time at home with all of the animals.
I also got a diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome around six months ago, which has been something to get used to and I've been saddened by a total lack of help from the local Autistic charities in helping me to understand just what sort of help would be out there for me. Seemingly there's none.
i hope things pick up soon for you.
My friend got his diagnosis last year and he is in his fifties and i seriously believe my north star has aspergers traits but from what my friend said getting a diagnosis as his age wold be a fight
It isn't easy to get a diagnoses no, It takes a long time to be tested. I think from start to finish it took me three years to get an official diagnosis.
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