The other half and I spent a lovely couple of hours at the allotment today. :)
We went down with another bag of manure to throw on the squash bed which we diligently chucked all over it. We still need to buy a lot more... It's a very large bed.
We took the lavender seedlings and planted them into the new lavender bed. You can see the courgette seedling too. :)
I raked the bean bed as smooth as possible for the soil we have. The other half for some reason took a lot of his photos before I'd actually done any work, but we have now completed the bean row, sown the borlotti fire tongue beans and dwarf French beans. And I removed all of those weeds to the left of the photo. The other half removed the covered box on the strawberries and took out some of the weeds in amongst them. I'm going to put a luffa squash where the weeds used to be.
The bed that you can see the start of at the front of the photo was covered in another of the black netted boxes and needs completely weeding and digging over. Not looking forward to that.
So yeah. This bits been cleared now and I will be putting luffa in between the peas and strawberries. :D
We raked the potato bed smooth too and before the potatoes make an appearance and removed those weeds that you can see. I need to do something about that strange little fruit bed above the potatoes but I'm really not sure how to without stepping on the potato bed.
It still needs a lot of work but I'm starting to feel a lot better about the allotment now.