Thursday, 29 October 2015

As I sit here from my invalid bed.

Yes. I'm holed up at the minute with a badly sprained ankle with my foot up on pillows with the express orders, from the BF, not to do anything physically demanding. I get the feeling I'm going to be very bored and very frustrated for the next few days. I'm not the sort of person that enjoys sitting for long periods of time. :/ I have things to do. The dogs are going to be nuts. They didn't go for a walk yesterday and they probably won't get to go out tomorrow either. I'm holding out hope for Saturday though.
I slept very badly during the night. Possibly due to the pain in my ankle, possibly due to the nightmares. Perhaps they were linked?

The garden is looking past its best now due to the colder weather. The greenhouse needs clearing, the beds need weeding. The paths need  weed suppressant laying and wood chip going over the top.
I need to spread the compost onto the beds and clear out the compost heap area ready for next year. Sigh. Everything I need to do and I have to sit here with my leg up.

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