Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Wow... 2024


I guess its been a while since I posted anything on here.

 Sorry about that.

 Life, work etc. 

You know how it goes. 

Well, I've changed jobs and moved house a few times over the last 4 or 5 years, but this is home now. Nottingham City.

 I know.

 I cant believe I'm in a city either!

Trouble will be eight years old on February 2nd. She's doing well (touch wood) and yes the eagle eyed among you will have noticed a new kitten. This is Magrat, she's an entire year old now and a wonderful little creature.  
I'm still baking cakes and breads, just not as much as I used to and I've certainly deep cleaned the kitchen since this photo was taken. ':) 
We had our first garden fire the other day, threw some old brambles on the top and I sat with a jack Danial's and coke to tend it.


The garden isn't fantastic in this house, to be honest its gonna be very hard work. The lawn needs levelling and from November last year I started to make a large no dig bed to get started on veg growing. I should be ready for some planting by March.
I can even get a little bit of seed sowing done this season...
So please.
Watch this space. :)