Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Rainy day

It's been raining for most of the day and I'm waiting in for a delivery so I've been cooking/baking and cleaning the house. I made a chicken, chorizo and bean stew. And a lovely little milk loaf to go with it.

I'm also going to start repainting the downstairs loo. How glamorous. :P

We took a trip to the allotment yesterday.

I walked the dogs over with me. Trouble managed to cut her nose through her muzzle (she's dog aggressive) which was upsetting but once we got to the allotment and I took the muzzle off she was fine.

Niche is always happy to be outside. :)

I dug up some potatoes as they'd all died. I'm hoping it wasn't blight that killed them. It didn't look like blight. I really, really need to do some digging, weeding and mulching but I'll have to wait until its a bit cooler and I have transport.

My lavender are looking nice. :) I'll be giving them a trim soon. The strawberries are also looking good. All it took was to completely replace the soil in the beds. 

Monday, 21 August 2017


 This is the new site for my poly tunnel at the allotment. I'm keeping the white box raised bed and beyond, but the cleared bed on the left and onto part of the path will be enough if I remove a hoop and only build 10x8 feet of the poly tunnel instead of the 15x8 feet.
The soil in the bottom bed that currently has the beans in it is looking beautiful this year. I'm really happy with it. I still need to add compost to all of the other beds and I'm going to start changing the bed sizes and positions in the autumn. I'm building a small pond and a large double compost bay in the next few weeks/months too. We're finally getting cracking with it all. :)

Friday, 11 August 2017

We're finally getting somewhere with the allotment.

Please ignore the state of me. I am aware I don't look great. We finally got all of the buildings down at the allotment and so should be able to get my poly-tunnel built relatively soon. I'm hoping to reduce it to eight foot by ten foot and put it on that bed in the centre of the photo. Exciting, exciting times. 

Thursday, 3 August 2017

We have a poorly yellow.

Three days ago it looked like Yellow was going to die overnight. Today she's much brighter and I will be putting her back with her friends tonight. I very much doubt she'll last very long. She's almost five  years old, which is old for an ex-batt and she struggles to walk well, but at least she's clawed back a bit of time.  Don't tell the others but she's my favourite. :)