Yesterday and today are my days off work and happily they have been dry (so far) Yesterday I ended up taking both dogs on an epic dog walking adventure because I got lost. Now it won't be lost on some of you that Niche should not be going on two hour and forty minute walks at her age. I totally agree, and if I'd done the walk I thought I was doing then it shouldn't have been more than a ninety minute walk. Still a long way but acceptable with rest breaks.
Anyway it also turned out that we had to take Trouble to the vets yesterday. She had gotten hold of a cooked lamb bone and eaten it. The alarm bells started to really go off when she had bloody poo the next morning.
With the help of my boyfriends mum I got to the vets and it took the both of us to hold on to her to stop her launching herself at other dogs. Oh the life of a reactive dog owner. Well anyway, we got the all clear from the vet who had a good feel of her tummy and gave her some doggy rennies to settle her tummy. And that was yesterday.
Today has been quieter. (touchwood) I've done laundry, poo picked the garden, given the chickens a very nice breakfast, planted a lovely cyclamen that was bought for me by my boyfriends brother for my birthday and a lovely Hellebore that was bought for me by my boyfriends mum because I'd embarrassingly enough... Locked myself in my own house. Don't ask.
The chickens breakfast, corn, cucumber, lettuce, savoy cabbage, tomatoes and green peppers with seeds.
The cyclamen right after planting.
The Hellebore right after planting
The border. Its looking a bit sad now that the frosts have killed off most of the flowers, but it'll be good again in the spring. Look at the lovely Esme enjoying some time out without the dogs because they refused to go out in the cold weather.