Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Monday, 25 January 2016


This was beautiful. 

Egg wealth.

I might be getting sentimental, but I swear two of the hens have been standing out in the run with their faces to the wind and that they are smiling.

I've given them some scratch and some meal worms and they're pecking away happily as though they've been doing it all of their lives. :D

I've gotten four eggs today! Four! One from my original girls and three from the newbies. I don't know what to do with myself. I'll have to bake a cake!

Three days worth of eggs. 
I know bread doesn't use egg in the recipe but I made some bread.

And I pulled a bit of the dough away and made a little pizza for my lunch too. :D

New rescued ex-batts

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Rescue day.

Ok, so I actually rescued four chickens instead of three. But look at them all! So many needed homes. 

They're all scared but one of them is very unwell. I assume she's gone into shock. I've given her some honey water and I'm hoping for the best. 

Poor little buggers. They look so sad. 

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Updated: Livestock (Pah. Pets)

We are picking up three new ex-battery hens on Sunday. :D
Its going to take quite a bit of work to prepare for their arrival.
We've already repaired the spare chicken run and moved the small chicken coop up against the run.

Next I need to clear up the run, remove all of the bricks and random rubbish that manages to turn up in the garden. clean up the chicken run, give it a scrub. Possibly dig over the run and rake it flat to give them a nice surface. Depending on time, as I'm working extra hours this week.

This is the run so far, before I've cleaned up the floor. I'm hoping to get the run floor done before dark today.

I've just returned from walking the dogs and its starting to rain. I've rushed out and cleared the bricks from the chicken run and put them around the coop to help secure it a bit better. Looks like I need to repair the coops ramp before Sunday. And pick up some chicken mash and possibly a new feeder. Oh the more I look, the more I need to do. And that's before I start the huge job of weeding the garden! D:   

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Its raining.

We don't like the rain. 

Friday, 8 January 2016

mushrooms and mac and cheese.

Garlicky mac and cheese topped with halloumi. It was soooooo good. 

My hyacinths are growing. And one is flowering.  

Soaking a mushroom growing kit for twelve hours.

The mushrooms growing over two weeks.

What on earth am I going to make with them?